Visits: 143,562


This short Client Satisfaction Measurement (CSM) Survey aims to track the customer experience of government offices. Your answers will enable this office to provide better service.

Age: Sex: Region:
Agency Visited:
Service Availed:

Customer Type:

INSTRUCTIONS: Mark your answer to the Citizen's Charter (CC) questions.

CC1 Do you know about the Citizen's Charter (CC) - document of the Agency's services and reqs.
CC2 If Yes to the previous question, did you see this office's Citizen's Charter?
CC3 If Yes to the previous question, did you use the Citizen's Charter as a guide for the service/s you availed?

INSTRUCTIONS: For SQD 1-8, please select the option that corresponds to your answer:

SQD1. I spent an acceptable amount of time to complete my transaction (Responsiveness)
SQD2. The office accurately informed and followed the transaction’s requirements and steps (Reliability)
SQD3. My online transaction (including steps and payment) was simple and convenient (Access and Facilities)
SQD4. I easily found information about my transaction from the office or its website (Communication)
SQD5. I paid an acceptable amount of fees for my transaction (Costs)
SQD6. I am confident my online transaction was secure (Integrity)
SQD7. The office’s online support was available, or (if asked questions) online support was quick to respond (Assurance)
SQD8. I got what I needed from the government office (Outcome)