Visits: 139,017


SAN JOSE WATER DISTRICTF2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12F13F14F15F16F17F18F19F20F21F22F23F24F25F26F27F28F29F30F31F32F33F34F35F36F37F38F39F40F41F42F43F44F45F46F47F48F49F50F51F52
Brgy. Pag-asa, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro                                                   
Contact No: 09616504865                                                   
E-mail Address:                                                   
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION SUMMARY                                                   
Parent Agency NameAttached Agency NameAgency AcronymAgency TypeYear- QuarterRequest Type Total Processed RequestsSTATUS OF PROCESSED REQUESTS       Total Number of processing Days Average Processing TimeAverage Feedback Score Ongoing RequestsSTATUS OF ONGOING REQUESTS        REQUEST FEEDBACK REPORT                     
        SuccessfulProactively DisclosedPartially SuccessfulReferredInfo Under ExceptionsInfo Not MaintainedInvalid RequestClosed     PendingAcceptedAwaiting ClarificationProcessing Are you satisfied with the handling of your FOI request?    For unsuccessful request, are you satisfied with the reason provided?    For successful requestst, was the response you received easy to understand?    Did you feel that we communicated with you effectively, from the start to finish?    Is there anything we could do to improve our services in the future?     
name of parent agency (if any)name of agencyagency acronymNGA / GOCC / SUC / LWD / LGUyear and quarter of report coverageeFOI / Standard total number of requests which are already processednumber of requests where information has been uploaded or provided number of requests where information has been provided through the agency's website even before it was requestednumber of requests where out of many requests, only a number has been provided by the agencynumber of request where out of many request, referred to another government agencynumber of requests denied since it is under the FOI Exceptions Listnumber of requests denied since information requested is not being handled, maintained, or stored by the agencynumber of requests denied since it is a question, not an actionable item, or not a request for informationnumber of requests closed since the requesting party failed to provide the information needed for clarification--60 calendar days after the "Awaiting Clarification" statustotal number of working days lfacilitating processed requeststotal number of processing days over the total number of processed requests for the period of coverage (do not include ongoing requests)Average score given by the requesting party through the feedback survey (sum of the total score then divided by number of questions applicable) total number of requests currently being processednumber of requests submitted by requestors but not yet acknowledged by the Receiving Officernumber of requests acknowledged by the Receiving Officer and forwarded to the Decision Maker concernednumber of requests returned to the requestors for some clarifications or if he/she failed to provide all requirements such as a valid IDnumber of requests received by the Decision Maker and is currently being processed Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree 
San Jose Water DistrictN/ASJWDGOCC2020-Q3Standard            N/A       N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
San Jose Water DistrictN/ASJWDGOCC2022-Q1Standard            N/A       N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
San Jose Water DistrictN/ASJWDGOCC2022-Q2Standard            N/A       N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
San Jose Water DistrictN/ASJWDGOCC2022-Q3Standard            N/A       N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
San Jose Water DistrictN/ASJWDGOCC2022-Q4Standard            N/A       N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
Brgy. Pag-asa, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro                    
Contact No: 09616504865                    
E-mail Address:                    
Agency abbreviationName of agency (spelled out)Title of the informationDescription of the informationCSV, XLS, SHP, KML, TXT, PDF, DOC, etc.Yes/NoLocation of published information or URL for direct downloadWhether the information is either of the following: - public: info can be disclosed for public consumption regardless of identity - exception: info is under the Exceptions List - internal: info only for agency consumption - with fee: info can be disclAgency or office who originally owns the informationUnit responsible for the informationThe date when the information was initially released (YYYY-MM-DD)Daily, Annually, Biannually, Quarterly, Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictCitizen's CharterContains the service standards, quality and time frame of service delivery being provided to the clients PDFYes Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictFreedom of Information ManualRules and procedures that guide the public in making requests for access to information in the SJWD in compliance with EO No. 2 s. 2016PDFYes Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictOperations Manual Provides the general information about the SJWD, its functions, mandates, operating procedures and organizationPDFYes Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictAnnual ReportAnnual report of accomplishments of SJWDPDFYes Divisions Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictAnnual Financial StatementsContains the Statements of Financial Position, Comprehensive Income, Cash Flows and Changes in Equity of the SJWD xls, pdf, standardNo PublicSJWDFinance Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictJoint Venture AgreementA consensual contract between the SJWD and Primewater Infrastructures Corp., containing the plans, programs and service obligations of Primewater for the financing, development, rehabilitation, expansion, improvement, operation and maintenance of the watestandardNo LimitedSJWD/PrimewaterAdmin Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictOPCR/ IPCRReports that contain the employee's commitment to the attainment of performance goals, and accomplishments at the end of the rating periodxls, standardNo InternalSJWDAdmin Division2022-07-15/2022-12-31Biannually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictAnnual Corporate BudgetApproved annual financial plan of SJWD showing what the revenues/resources are and how they will be generated and used in order to make sound financial decisionsPDF, standard, xlsNo Divisions Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictAnnual Procurement PlanProvides the necessary information on the procurement of goods and services that the SJWD plans to undertake within the calendar year anchored in the principles of government procurementxls, standardNo LimitedSJWDAdmin/Finance/Engineering Divisions Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictGAD Plan and BudgetProvides plans and programs that address gender mandates and gender issues; and budgetary requirementsPDF, xls, standardYes Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictMonthly Data SheetMonthly report that contains the service coverage, service connection data. present water rates, billing and collection data, financial data, water production data, status of various developments and institutional data/reviewPDF, standardYessjomwd.orgPublicSJWDAdmin/Finance/Engineering Divisions Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictPlantilla of Personnel Shows in detail the item number of positions, the position titles, authorized salaries of positions and other relevant informationsPDF, standardNo LimitedSJWDAdmin Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water Disrtict201 Files of EmployeesContains records/data pertaining to the employee's personal information, employment contract, job descriptions, salary grades, trainings/seminars, performance evaluation, and others standardNo ExceptionSJWDAdmin Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictSALN Contains the complete declaration of assets, liabilities and net worth of an employee and his/her spouse and/or children for a calendar yearstandardNo ExceptionSJWDAdmin Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictBacteriological Tests Results/Physical-Chemical Test ResultsResult of laboratory test of water samples PDFNo PublicSJWDEngineering Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictKPI and BEMKPI and BEM gauge the performance of the JV Partner against the targets and objectives set by themPDF, xlsYessjomwd.orgInternalSJWDAdmin/Finance/Engineering Divisions Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictReport on Physical Count of PPEA report that contains the physical count and condition of properties owned by SJWDxls, standardNo InternalSJWDGSO Section2022-06-30/2022-12-31Biannually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictReport on the Physical Count of InventoriesA report that contains the physical count of inventory items such as office supplies inventory , accountable forms inventory, and others xls, standardNo InternalSJWDGSO Section2022-06-30/2022-12-31Biannually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictMOA Agreements between SJWD and other government/private agencies standardNo LimitedSJWDAdmin Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictMap of Existing Pipelines Map showing SJWD's distribution lines and its sizes. doc, standardYes Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictService RecordA record issued to employees relative to their services rendered to SJWDxls, standardNo ExceptionSJWDAdmin Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictLeave RecordRecord of leave of absences incurred by an employeedoc, standardNo ExceptionSJWDAdmin Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictLoan Amortization ScheduleProvides the monthy loan amortizations of SJWD to its creditors, including the loan terms and balancesstandardNo InternalSJWD/CreditorsFinance Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictBooks of AccountsProvides records of the financial transactions of SJWDdoc, standardNo InternalSJWDFinance Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictCash Receipts & Disbursements JournalRecords of daily cash receipts and deposits of SJWDdoc, standardNo InternalSJWDFinance Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictDisbursement Voucher RegisterRecords of disbursements made and paid by SJWDdoc, standardNo InternalSJWDFinance Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictReport on Accountable FormsReport of accountable forms received, issued and transferred by the accountable personneldoc, standardNo InternalSJWDGSO Section Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictBoard ResolutionsPolicies approved by the Board of Directors, the policy-making body of the agencydoc, standardNo LimitedSJWDAdmin Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictOffice OrdersContains directions or instructions which are complied with by the SJWD employee receiving the orderdocNo InternalSJWDAdmin Division Biannually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictWater Safety PlanA plan prepared by the SJWD and approved by the Department of Health, which comprises the protection of water sources, and the identification of hazards and assessment of risks that may affect the quality of water being delivered to consumers, as mandateddoc, standardNo PublicSJWDEngineering Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictOrganizational ChartA chart that shows the hierarchy and organizational structure of the agencydoc, xlsNo PublicSJWDAdmin Division Annually         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictBilling RecordsRecords of billing history of consumers containing the billing period, consumption and paymentsxls, docNo LimitedSJWDCommercial Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictApproved Water RatesContains information regarding the SJWD's existing water rates as approved by LWUAstandardNo PublicSJWDAdmin/Finance/Engineering Divisions2011-02-         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictCertificate of RegistrationContains the details regarding the registration of SJWD to BIRstandardNo PublicSJWDAdmin/Finance Divisions -         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictWater Source DataProvides data on the sources of water of SJWD's water supply coveragePDF, xlsYessjomwd.orgPublicSJWDEngineering Division Monthly         
SJWDSan Jose Water DisrtictWater District ProfileContains information regarding the management and Board of Directors composition, water rates, loan status, financial data, technical data, issues and concerns and water supply improvement and development projects PDF, docYessjomwd.orgPublicSJWDAdmin/Finance/Engineering Divisions2022-06-30/2022-12-31Biannually         
SAN JOSE WATER DISTRICTF2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10F11F12F13F14F15F16F17F18F19F20F21F22F23F24F25F26F27F28F29F30F31F32F33F34F35F36F37
Brgy. Pag-asa, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro                                    
Contact No: 09616504865                                    
E-mail Address:                                    
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REGISTRY                                    
Year-QuarterTracking NumberRequest TypeDate ReceivedTitle of RequestExtension?StatusDate FinishedProcessing DaysCostAppeal/s filed?    Feedback Score                    Remarks
year and quarter of report coverageInternal FOI Tracking numberif request was lodged through eFOI or standard (paper-based)date request was lodged by requesting party (YYYY-MM-DD)title of information requestedif the agency requested for extension or additional 20 working days (YES or NO)status of requestdate request was processed/finished by the agency; if not yet processed/finished, indicate ONGOINGnumber of working days facilitating the requestfees paid by the requesting party for facilitation of request; if none, indicate FREEIf the requesting party or any other citizen filed an appeal for the specific request (YES or NO)Are you satisfied with the handling of your FOI request?    For unsuccessful request, are you satisfied with the reason provided?    For successful requestst, was the response you received easy to understand?    Did you feel that we communicated with you effectively, from the start to finish?    Is there anything we could do to improve our services in the future?    Additional details about the request
           Strongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly AgreeStrongly DisagreeDisagreeNeither Agree or DisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree 
2020-Q32020-01Standard 201 FileNOSuccessful  FREENoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
2020-Q32020-02Standard QSPBI reportNOSuccessful  FREENoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
2020-Q32020-03Standard QSPBI reportNOSuccessful  FREENoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
2022-Q12022-01Standard Data for Economic Sectoral Land NOSuccessful  FREENoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AReceived through email
2022-Q22022-02Email Composition of CPO MembersNOSuccessful  FREENoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANAN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
2022-Q32022-03SMS Certificate of EmploymentNOSuccessful  FREENoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A 
2022-Q32022-04.Standard Insurance OR & PolicyNOSuccessful  FREENoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AReceived through email
2022-Q42022-05.SMS Certfication of Philhealth Contrib.NOSuccessful  FREENoN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A